No matter the medium, my work all stems from the common theme of souvenirs. Each piece is a memory of a moment in time, a person, a pet.
I often work in the mosaic tradition of pique assiette, which is a form of mosaic that uses broken plates and ceramic shards. I create mosaic portraits mostly by commission, so I can customize each artwork by adding buttons, pins, subway tokens, etc. that have meaning to the recipient. I like my work to tell a story, to be a memory. Below are some examples of my mosaics in the pique assiette style.

I also design and make my own ceramic tiles in my studio kiln. Below are three pieces created with tile I made by hand.

A huge fan of games and puzzles, I love the way a mosaic comes together. In many ways it is like working on a jigsaw puzzle. The hunt for the perfect piece, the perfect memory, is a favorite part of the process.